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Manage Your Stuff During Downsizing More Effectively

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We make downsizing simpler and collaborative

SaveOr is the best way for families to manage the transfer and movement of their physical assets as they downsize their homes. Due to the easy ability to document items, gauge interest, and assign recipients, SaveOr is very effective in helping users downsize. Our secret sauce is the connection with family members who can all display interest and join the conversation. 


By documenting your items and inviting your family members to express their interest, you can determine which items come with you to your new home, which items you hand down to your children during your downsizing, and which items can be donated or disposed of. By having a single, shared inventory, everyone, including your movers, is on the same page. 


"My parents needed to downsize from their house, far away from the rest of the family in Florida, back to where I lived. They had a home filled with many goods and treasures, and I knew most would not fit in their new condo. I wanted family members to visit and see what they wanted, but that was not feasible. 
Luckily, with SaveOr, I could include other family members in the process, so my parents could see who wanted a certain item and then decide the appropriate person to give it to. 
This made it very easy for me to know where to send items to and not have my brothers questioning any decisions I made on who gets what."

Morgan, MD

How to Use SaveOr to downsize

1. Document the items in your home

2. Add the items that you know will stay with you in your next home to the Safe

3. Add the items you are unsure about to the Showroom

4. Invite your children and family to declare their interest in items in the Showroom

5. Determine the best recipient for the items in the showroom based off of family interest levels

6. Export a PDF of your E-State to help your family and movers manage the moving process

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